Core Chiropractic & Wellness Clinic
Alberta Professional Building
Suite 406 320, 23rd Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta T2S0J2
Phone: (403) 244-6444
Fax: (403) 228-4412
Office Hours
Clinic hours are staggered for your convenience.
To book an appointment please call the regular clinic number at 403-244-6444.
Dr. Guthrie’s clinic hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 12:30pm -6:00pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 8:00am - 12:30pm
Friday: 8:00 am-2:00pm
If these hours do not work for you, and/or you would prefer to see Dr. Farn (Dr. Guthrie's husband), he can be reached in the same office, but on his line, at 403-228-2282.
Dr. Farn's clinic hours:
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 1:00pm
The wellness services still offered in the new location will continue to include: Chiropractic, Graston technique, Active Release Techniques, Kinesiotaping, Massage therapy, Orthotic fitting, rehabilitation and more, and maintains the principal that the established techniques implemented on athletes to heal injuries and improve optimal performance would be exceedingly effective for the health of any individual.
Katherine Lewis, RMT,
Can be reached at 647-235-1228.
Maria Ehrlich, RMT,
Can be reached at (403) 971-6762
As of today, the massage therapists are also avaliable to be booked online.
Click HERE to be redirected for online booking.